A life changing experience…the story of my Erasmus mobility

Performance by Pierluca Mariti, @piuttosto_che

A life changing experience…the story of my Erasmus mobility

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6th May, 5:00 - 6:00 PM


Piazza della Repubblica


Agenzia nazionale Erasmus+ Indire

 Pierluca Mariti talks about his Erasmus mobility experience in Spain to the students and the public attending the Erasmus+ stand in Piazza della Repubblica, Florence.

Who is Pierluca Mariti: the author is known on Instagram as @piuttosto_che (180K followers), is a repentant jurist and, after 7 years as a manager in a multinational company, has decided to devote himself to entertainment. On his Instagram profile he hosts Tell Mama, a semi-serious heartfelt column populated with different characters, maxims of wisdom and deconstruction of stereotypes about relationships. He is also committed to issues such as gender equality and civil rights and took part in the TedTalk “It’s female!” at TedXFerrara in September 2021. Every week he hosts the programme “Piuttosto Che” on Radio Lattemiele and writes in the daily newspaper Domani. He is touring Italy with the show “Ho fatto il classico”, an anthology of classic songs, read through the lens of the present and linked by a story about himself that combines comedy, lightness and sharing. He launched a live podcast on Instagram, “E invece”, in which he talks about change. The episodes deal with studying and experiencing the social life at the university, the Erasmus experience and the challenges facing girls and boys in their 20s and 30s.